Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Kindergarten Summer Letter

Do you send a letter home to your new kindergarteners over the summer?  Every year I send a letter home to my new kinders.  The letter is sent home in July and it is a chance for me to communicate with the children and with parents at the same time.

The letter is one step in helping with the transition to kindergarten.  I explain different activities that we will do together and a few skills they will learn in the beginning of the year.  I discuss learning letters, sounds, and numbers through play, games, singing, and dancing!

You can find an example of my Kindergarten Summer Letter on TeachersPayTeachers for FREE!  The product is a Word Document for you to edit it as you wish!

I print a borderless letter on fun creative pre-bought paper.  I have included a borderless letter in this product.  I have also included an example of my letter with different creative borders just in case your don't have pre-bought paper to print it on.

Download this FREE product, edit, print, and send home to your new kindergarteners this summer! : )

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Welcome to Kindergarten

I teach full day kindergarten, however the first day is only 1 1/2 hours.  The children visit with their parents.  They go on a scavenger hunt with their parents around the classroom.  They find all of our centers (ABC, Library, Math123, Browsing Bins, Computers/Ipads, Writing, etc), where they keep their personal belogings, bathrooms, water fountains, etc. The scavenger hunt supports the children with their transisiton to kindergarten and gives me a time to observe, chat with the children, and meet the parents!

 I have a few creations on TPT that I use for the first day of kindergarten. 

The Kindergarten Scavenger Hunt is FREE on TPT.  The parents read the scavenger hunt and travel around the room.  The product is a Word Document which allows you to edit as you please to make it your own! : )

Another FREE creation on TPT is  My Name is...  The children can complete this activity with their parents at the writing center.  They have an opportunity to write their name and draw a picture.  You can modify this activity by requesting parents to bring in a family photo (in your letter you send home during the summer) and pasting it on the sheet.  After the families leave the first day, you can hang the pages to decorate your room with something familiar.

 I download O-Fish-ALLY in Kindergarten, a FREE product, from Once Upon a Creative Classroom. I send these home home on the first full day of kindergarten. Check out this product and this store!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Hi! My name is Amanda Burns and I am a new blogger!  I have created the blog Miss Kindergarten Smarties to offer creative and inspiring ideas for teaching young, developing kinders!  I love teaching kindergarten and have learned so much over past few years.  Enjoy my blog!