As parents and teachers, we get so caught up with time. During my school day, I am constantly racing against the clock to fit in my whole group reading lesson and then trying to meet with all my small groups for their guided reading instruction. After that, I need to make sure I get in my whole group mini writing lesson followed by meeting with my small groups for their writing instruction. Finally, I breathe for a moment during lunch, but that lasts for as long as I am in the bathroom (the first time and probably only time I will use until my students leave for the day). I rush back to my classroom, set up my math lesson and all of its corresponding manipulatives or station materials which is followed by prep time which then I prep my room again for science.
The race with the clock is what makes my day fly on by, but some days I wonder...Did I remember to ask Joey about his pet hamster that passed away the day before or did I see how Olivia did at her soccer game that she has been talking about all week.
There is so much pressure to get all of our academic instruction in that we forget about What Children Need Most. I have this printed out (just a small copy) in a place in my room that I know I will look every morning before I start my day. It reminds me that children need love and respect. They need to be listened to and to have fun. They need affection, smiles, and hugs.
Every morning I look at this and it helps me. Children won't remember that they learned to read or do math when they were in your classroom. They will remember how you made them feel when they were with you...
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